Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wedding preparation - set up a budget

From economy view, wedding is a losing business of much more spending than incoming, even in some eastern culture countries like China it is popular and custom for the new-couple to receive wedding attendants' 'red envelope' enclosed with cash, from long run they will lose money because they have to send at-least-the-same, or bigger, red envelope to whom attended and sent red envelope at their wedding when they get married or have some special socials. As wedding is a money-burning activity, and money is always scarce to us, so it is necessary to set up a budget to manage your spending. If your parents will pay for the wedding or contribute to it, be appreciative of whatever they provide, and be careful to include the money into your budget and work with that amount.

It is a good practice to set up the budget in spreadsheet software, say, Microsoft Office Excel, doing which  gives you much facility to adjust spending components and costings, and get updated results immediately. So it is easy to help you compare various spending options, keep balance, and make final decisions. Keep in mind that there is not only one type or one model of wedding, you are a project organizer with lots of options and alternatives to compare and choose from, which give you plenty edge of saving. For example, a weekday's wedding ceremony is cheaper than a weekend's. The process of organizing, planing and deciding itself is full of exciting and rewarding.

If your budget is limited, you will have to decide what takes priority and sacrifice other aspects. Don't be sorry to what you have to forgo, seems missing an interesting or romantic experience, in fact it is nothing compared to your long life together in the future.

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