Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sanya, an exceptional beautiful and romantic place in China

Although many North China cities are notorious for the polluted atmosphere, foggy and dusty air, low transparency to see blue sky and white cloud, in Hainan Province, Sanya is an exception.
Sanya is a touring city at south end of Hainan endowed with tropical whether, sunlight, blue sea, and beach, that make it an ideal place for wedding ceremony and honeymoon vocation.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekly special wedding dress 02/04

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[FirstName], check out our weekly special wedding dress AS2762.
Only in the week from February 4 to February 10, 2013.

We are specialized on wedding dresses, serving customers like you worldwide.
The process that we serve a wedding dress is like this:
  1. You watch and compare the wedding dresses on our website Joyousome Wedding Resources
  2. You choose your favorite wedding dress, putting an order which is easy and fun.
  3. With your selected wedding dress style and entered body sizes data, we will fabricate your wedding dress in our wedding-dress-specialized-tailoring plant in Suzhou, China.
  4. We will deliver your totally-customed, brand-new wedding dress to the address you provided in the order, which can be anywhere in most of countries in the world.
  5. You have a memorable moment wearing your unique, fit perfectly, and beautiful wedding dress in the focus of your family, relatives, friends, and visitors.
You may have our product or service before, and you know our service is real. So please let us known when you or your family, relatives, or friends have wedding dress requirement, which we are here to help for.

Searching resources and etiquettes of engagement and wedding? Go to Wedding Resources Blog

Tell us you comment or concern by replying this email, we will respond as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


大牌来中国一般都很傲慢,比如婚纱女王Vera Wang。近日,该品牌在上海开店,婚纱动辄几十万的价格让人咋舌,这还不算,就连试穿都得提前预约,并支付3000元人民币的试穿费。品牌称该举措是为了防止被抄袭。但此举却引发诸多争议。  

  婚纱是许多女生心目中最美丽的东西,而拥有一件属于自己的婚纱,更是不少女生的梦想。近日,国际知名的"婚纱女王"Vera Wang(王薇薇)的婚纱店落户上海,这家旗舰店内的婚纱件件价格不菲,而光试穿就要3000元试穿费的消息,一经网友爆料就马上在网上引起热议。
  Vera Wang相关负责人坦言,在国外其他店铺中,并没有这一规定。"我们这么做并不是真的要赚钱,只是希望顾客能谨慎考虑,如果真的想买VeraWang再来店试衣服。"该负责人解释说,之所以收取试衣费,主要是考虑到国内存在的抄袭、拷贝名牌款式等一些不良风气。为了防止被抄袭,店内还规定所有顾客不能拍照和录像。
  不仅如此,Vera Wang方面还提出,如果顾客想要来店试衣必须提前支付3000元试衣费,并且只能试穿一个半小时,如果试衣结束确定购买,试衣费可在售价中扣除,如果没有选中,这3000元则不予以返还。
  "每个女孩子都希望有一件独一无二的婚纱,眼下很多年轻人也知道Vera Wang的婚纱就是婚纱中的经典,我们是真心想要挑一件婚纱的,又不是真的像它说来‘盗版’的,这不是给真正想要买婚纱的顾客一种不舒服的感觉嘛。本来我们穿得不合适就换另一家,但现在这样我们买也不是,不买也不是。"这种做法似乎让准新娘倍感纠结,明年打算结婚的康小姐告诉记者。
  "我不怕抄啊。" 目前经营着MIJA设计工作室的杭州十佳服装设计师吕青直言不讳。她告诉记者,她会建议客人试穿完礼服后拍照,因为有时候准新娘试穿之后自己拿不定主意,所以工作人员会给她拍照,让她拿回家给家人朋友看,最后再决定。"如果只是过来试穿不订,那我也OK,你拍,没有关系。"吕青大气地说。
  针对"外来和尚"Vera Wang为防止抄袭而收取试穿费这种做法,杭州市服装设计师协会秘书长顾小华认为,"抄袭"其实是一种仁者见仁、智者见智的事情。
  "收试穿费是Vera Wang品牌在中国的特例吧,但是怕抄袭的话,那每一季都会有发布会,大家都有拍照,而且现在仿单很多,没有什么好的措施能防止抄袭。"吕青坦言。

只有中国加收试衣服 原因国人需反思
根据调查,Vera Wang国外店铺试衣免费,而中国试衣收费3000元这一消息属实。Vera Wang相关负责人坦言,在国外其他店铺中,并没有这一规定。之所以收取试衣费,主要是考虑到国内存在的抄袭、拷贝名牌款式等一些不良风气。为了防止被抄袭,店内还规定所有顾客不能拍照和录像。
顾客想要来店试衣必须提前支付3000元试衣费,只能试穿一个半小时,如果试衣结束确定购买,试衣费可在售价中扣除,如果没有选中,这3000元则不予以返还,“我们这么做并不是真的要赚钱,只是希望顾客能谨慎考虑,在别家看好,如果真的想买VeraWang再来店试衣服。 ”

  针对Vera Wang试穿婚纱要钱的消息,很多网友认为这样的做法是在给普通大众设置门槛。Vera Wang店内的婚纱虽然从3万元到30万元不等,大部分集中在10万至20万元之间,价格本身就比较"小众",再加上如此高昂的试衣费,让很多人望而却步。
  阿喂妈妈:"Vera Wang很不大气呀。"
  但也有一些网友认为这未尝不是一种打击中国"盗版横行、水货猖獗"的好方法。部分网友认为如果真心想买Vera Wang的婚纱,肯定能在店里挑出自己喜欢的,那这3000元就会在婚纱钱里扣掉,那就没白花。
  williamsze:"上海香格里拉早就有了Link Wedding卖,和新加坡一家,试衣收费,预约制,walk in没人搭理的。香港的Central Weddings也收试衣费,不买不退,而且付了全款才能给自己订下的款式照相。莫大惊小怪。"

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekly special wedding dress Joyousome AS1108B

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You can click Subscribe/Remove to subscribe or unsubscribe)

Check out our weekly special wedding dress AS1108B,
original price $299, weekly special price $199.
Only in the week from January 27 to February 2, 2013.

We are specialized on wedding dresses, serving customers like you worldwide.
The process that we serve a wedding dress is like this:
  1. You watch and compare the wedding dresses on our website Joyousome Wedding Resources
  2. You choose your favorite wedding dress, putting an order which is easy and fun.
  3. With your selected wedding dress style and entered body sizes data, we will fabricate your wedding dress in our wedding-dress-specialized-tailoring plant in Suzhou, China.
  4. We will deliver your totally-customed, brand-new wedding dress to the address you provided in the order, which can be anywhere in most of countries in the world.
  5. You have a memorable moment wearing your unique, fit perfectly, and beautiful wedding dress in the focus of your family, relatives, friends, and visitors.
You may have our product or service before, and you know our service is real. So please let us known when you or your family, relatives, or friends have wedding dress requirement, which we are here to help for.

Searching resources and etiquettes of engagement and wedding? Go to Wedding Resources Blog

Tell us you comment or concern by replying this email, we will respond as soon as possible.