Monday, June 4, 2012

"No English"

In mid 1980's a few Chinese students came to live in a small university town in Canada. They found out that washing and drying clothes in an university apartment complex is free for its residents. Even though they were not living there, they went to the complex to wash clothes every week to save 25c per load if they wash at street commercial laundry room. In mid 1980's, 25c is a good amount of money in Chinese standard.

However, the manager of the complex found that. One time, they went there again, but were caught by the manager.
"Did you see this?", the manager pointed to the "For residents only!" sign.
"No English", they pretended to know no English.
"Do you know that you have to live here to use this free service?"
"No English."
"According to the regulations, you guys will be fined for $25"
"No English"
"No English."  That was the only answer the manager got in more than 5 minutes conversation. He found useless to continue any more.
"Apparently, you can not understand what I am saying.  I will forgive you guys this time. But, never come back again."
"Thank you!"

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